Asset 3

Internal and external communication

“Workplace” is the Bremnes Seashore Group’s internal communications platform.

When we engage in public debate, in political activity or in other activities in keeping with our freedom of expression, we always make it clear that we are expressing ourselves as private individuals. We must not give the impression that we are expressing ourselves on behalf of the Bremnes Seashore Group.

Only those duly authorised may make statements on behalf of the Group. This applies to communication with the media and the public authorities. All those tasked with making a public statement must consult the Group Communications Officer in advance. If we are approached by the media for comment on matters relating to the Bremnes Seashore Group, we refer them to the CEO or Group Communications Officer.

We also ensure that reports and other information supplied to the authorities are correct and true. Financial reports, financial statements and information to partners, suppliers and customers are always correct and provide a correct picture of the financial situation.

Vår etiske standard


Our Code of Conduct
