Asset 3



We care about people

Workplace health, safety and environment (HSE)

HSE is a process of continuous improvement, and we all have a personal responsibility to act as good examples in the workplace and participate in preventive endeavours.

In keeping with the duty of worker participation, we contribute to good workplace HSE by being vigilant with respect to hazardous conditions and reporting these before we or our colleagues are injured.

We work in a company where some departments have a heightened risk of accidents and injuries. Here, we are additionally conscious of hazards and risk factors, and make good choices so that we avoid short-cuts and dangerous situations.

“Safely home” is the Group’s philosophy for a safe workplace. We shall work so safely that we return home safely – every day. This means using the correct protective equipment, where this is mandated, and choosing work processes that reduce the potential for hazardous behaviour.

We also have a responsibility to contribute to social cohesion, so that we create a good working environment in our department. This makes working more enjoyable and increases job satisfaction.

  • I report conditions that can lead to personal injury
  • I report personal injuries
  • I always wear protective equipment
  • I contribute to a better working environment
  • Work regulations
  • The app for registration of security observations
  • 0104 Instructions for use of protective and safety equipment
  • Emergency instructions for fish farming and the factory
  • Our duty to participate
  • I must know the risks in my department

We do what is right – our business practice

Corruption and bribery

The Bremnes Seashore Group has zero tolerance for corruption. This means that no employee of the Bremnes Seashore Group shall be involved in corruption, either directly or via an intermediary. 

Corruption is when someone gives, receives, accepts, is offered or demands an improper benefit in connection with a position, job or elected office. 

What constitutes corruption must be defined in each individual case, on the basis of the purpose of the offer or request, the benefit’s value, the recipient’s position and how openly the offer or request is made. As a general rule, an offer or benefit constitutes corruption if it can influence or be perceived to influence the recipient’s ability to make sensible and objective decisions. A good control question is whether the act or situation would withstand public scrutiny. If you are uncertain or feel yourself to be in a grey area with respect to corruption, contact the Group Compliance Manager.

Bribery is when a person or company pays a public official money in return for the award of a public contract or licence. This is a common form of corruption We shall never propose, offer, give or receive bribes or other benefits in the course of our contacts with public authorities or existing or potential business associates.

  • I will never suggest, offer, give, solicit, or accept bribes or other benefits
  • Norwegian corruption legislation also applies abroad, as the Bremnes Seashore Group is headquartered in Norway

Gifts, hospitality and paid expenses

To ensure that we comply with anti-corruption legislation, we have strict rules on what the Bremnes Seashore Group can give and receive in the way of gifts or hospitality in our dealings with business associates.

Depending on the circumstances, gifts, hospitality and paid expenses may be benefits that could be counted as corruption. The term “hospitality” includes, for example, entertainment, restaurant meals, travel and accommodation. Moderate catering in connection with meetings is not included in the term “hospitality”. 

Bremnes Seashore Group employees shall be cautious with respect to the giving and receiving of gifts. Gifts from the Bremnes Seashore Group must be approved in advance by the Group Compliance Manager. Any gifts that we receive must be of moderate value – worth no more than NOK 500. This cap applies to the value of all gifts from the same giver in the course of a year. The giving or acceptance of cash is always forbidden. The timing of the gift must be appropriate

Bremnes Seashore Group employees may provide hospitality to or accept hospitality from business associates only when there are clear and legitimate business grounds to do so, and where the hospitality is moderate in terms of its frequency and cost. The place and time must also be appropriate. 

As a general rule, the Bremnes Seashore Group pays for travel, accommodation and associated expenses for all those who work for the Group, in line with our internal procedures and travel expense regulations. Our business associates similarly pay the expenses of their own employees.

  • I clarify all forms of representation and gifts with my manager in advance
  • Representation must have a clear and legitimate business reason and be moderate and appropriate in cost and time.
  • The purpose of the representation must be documented in the travel invoice.

Follow-up of business associates

To ensure our operations comply with the principles set out in our Code of Conduct, we also require our business associates to operate ethically and comply with laws and regulations. We therefore perform an integrity due diligence assessment on business associates, which provides more detailed guidance.

  • I always know the full identity of those we deal with
  • I follow our procedure for integrity due diligence assesments
  • Procedure
  • Our reputation may be affected by unethical or illegal activities by business partners, and we may be held liable for their actions

We protect our company

Vår etiske standard


Our Code of Conduct
